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Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields affecting memory, say researchers

New research suggests that radiation from smartphones is negatively impacting teenagers’ memories, leaving them with short-term memory loss.

The concern is that a year’s worth of radiation could be enough to damage the part of the brain that interprets images and shapes.

According to the study, which was published Monday, researchers found that there is a negative impact on memory performance after exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) radiation.

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  1. Damn, I just forgot how I was going to reply.
    Let me check my phone.

  2. When I was a teenager my short-term memory loss was blamed on ripping bong hits..

  3. 1:18 Funny...NOT. I have a friend who has been fighting a brain cancer for years and the original doctors who saw her said not to use her cell phone without the speaker on due to the fact that there was enough evidence then....years ago.... to warrant the warning and enough patients to verify their findings.

  4. I think it's mostly because smartphones don't require us to remember as much as we used to. Remember when we knew all our friends' and local business' numbers by heart? And remember how we knew how to get to many destinations just by dead reckoning and memories of passing by places before? And we also remembered everybody's phone numbers, too! I could remember where the barber shop was and the butcher shop and their addresses. Now, our smartphones have all that information so we don't have to keep it in our heads. Hey, can you call my phone for me? I forgot where I had it last... if I could just remember my number we could call it...

  5. Steve....good work...


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