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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Showell School Reconstruction Bids Total $39M; Timetable Firmed Up Likely After County’s Review

NEWARK – School system officials approved bids totaling slightly more than $39 million for the new Showell Elementary School.

The Worcester County Board of Education last week approved bids totaling $39,045,266 for the new school. Design of the facility, which will replace the existing 40-year-old Showell Elementary, was completed earlier this year.

“We’re anxious to see it get started,” said school board member Doug Dryden.

Plans to replace the aging and outgrown Showell Elementary have been underway for years. While there was initially some contention between county government officials and school system leaders regarding the project’s estimated cost, the Worcester County Commissioners approved funding for the pre-construction and bidding process in January. Oak Contracting, the company that managed the $50 million renovation and expansion of Snow Hill High School, was selected to handle construction management for Showell. At that time, the school system projected construction costs of roughly $42 million for the facility.



  1. Let me guess:

    46 corners, 12 rooflines, majestic window walls, right?

    How much for 4 corners and one roof?

    Wal Mart does that to cut costs, why not you?

    Oh, that's right, it's not your money you're spending.

    It's ours.

  2. I'm sick and tired of these school systems demolishing and replacing buildings. If they want a new school tough sh!t, renovate what you have.

  3. If you want a new house do you tear down the old one and rebuild on the same site? NO! Then governments shouldn't be allowed to do it either.


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