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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Shot five times, this wounded warrior fought her way back to active duty and eight gold medals

On Aug. 5, 2014, Navy Senior Chief Raina Hockenberry was visiting a military academy in Kabul, Afghanistan, when an Afghan soldier turned and opened fire on the group.

In the “green-on-blue” attack, Hockenberry was shot five times. Two bullets shattered her tibia, one hit her groin and the two remaining bullets hit her stomach.

The attack killed Army Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, the first American general officer to be killed by combat fire since Sept. 11, 2001. It also wounded 17 other coalition and Afghan forces.

Nearly four years later, now-Master Chief Petty Officer Hockenberry has returned to service and has taken up the post of personnel and administrative officer on board the USS Port Royal.

Although that is her official title, “the great thing about being on a ship is that you are anything and everything,” she said.



  1. Thank you for your service to our country. You and all military personal are what makes this country great.

  2. A story of dedication to duty, perseverance and strength. This is an example of who we are.

  3. And the best part is that she’s a Democrat!

  4. I would have taken that 100% disability and fight against the injustices directed at our people right here in America. I would have become a politician for the people and fight against the politicians on the hill in Washington, DC.

  5. wow this 21st millenium crap is so confusing, why is america an ally of a country that has soldiers that kill our troops? in world war 2 americas allies didn`t attack us or kills us.when i look at the definition of an ally afghanistan does`t fit that definition, so why are we even there? when did americas military become a mercenary force?


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