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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sessions repeats 'Lock her up' chant as he accuses colleges of creating snowflakes

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday told a group of conservative high school students that colleges have created a generation of “sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious snowflakes.”

He also participated in a chant of “Lock her up” during the speech, referencing a rallying cry used by then-candidate Donald Trump against his 2016 presidential election opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Trump used the “Lock her up” catchphrase as part of his claim that Mrs. Clinton should be jailed for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

Speaking at Turning Point USA High School Leadership Summit at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Mr. Sessions went on a fiery tirade accusing colleges of coddling students. He railed against the liberal ideology of safe spaces and grade inflation.

“Rather than molding a generation of mature, well-informed adults, some schools are doing everything they can to create a generation of sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious snowflakes,” he said.

He also mocked Cornell University for holding a “cry-in” after President Trump’s election in 2016 and the University of Michigan and Tufts University, where students were encouraged to draw their feelings about the president’s victory.

“This is a disservice to their students and a disservice to this nation,” he said.



  1. No, sorry, he did not chant nor "repeat" dingbats.

    Again, SPIN the heck out of nothing.

    Make news since there's nothing else.

    Watch the real video.

  2. He did not participate in the chant!! You can clearly hear and see him repeat it simply because he just recognized what he was hearing. Are you kidding me! He wasn't chanting it and so what if he was? MSM is always trying to twist things up

  3. So lock her up already!

  4. Don't just mouth it, do it!

  5. He absolutely did NOT PARTICIPATE in the chant of "Lock her up". Watch the video and see for yourselves. This is an absolute lie and fake news.

  6. She SHOULD already BE in prison.

    If you or I did HALF of what she did, we'd be in the middle of a 5-15 year stretch, fighting for our lives.

    SHE books another speaking engagement (and since she got her ace whipped so embarrassingly, her speaking "fee" has dropped from $500,000 to $20,000.
    If she was a stock on the NYSE, she'd be considered in the "junk" category.
    What a piece of trash, but she IS protected by


    Keep cheering.


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