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Monday, July 23, 2018

Same Paper, Same Dates, Different Markets. What did you just learn? Feeling Manipulated Yet?


  1. And, ironically, the liberals always call out Fox news for influencing political views.

  2. WSJ is the same company as Fox News.

  3. WOW brainwashing Dems.

  4. Mind control is a favorite tool of the government, too, no matter who's in the big chair.


  5. Subscribed for many years; let it go after they tried to become a glorified USA Today. Would sometimes find the paper in another area while traveling had differences from my copy delivered at home.

    So the first question is whether the copy in the article differs? Or just the headline? The color banner at the top has different artwork but seems to be the same article inside.

    At the time I let my subscription lapse they had quite a few different printing plants across the country. End of the day it's a national business serving local customers 6 times a week.

  6. Damn BS needs to stop.


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