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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Salisbury Maryland: Mayor Jake Day & Council President Jack Heath Likely To Raise Taxes For New "Parental Leave"

Salisbury Announces Paid Parental Leave for City Employees

Mayor Jake Day unveiled Salisbury’s newest benefit for municipal employees at the semi-annual City all-staff meeting earlier this month. Day announced that Paid Parental Leave would now be available to all FMLA-eligible employees in the event of child birth or adoption.

With a workforce of over 430 dedicated civil servants, the City of Salisbury continues to grow, standing at the forefront of economic and cultural development on the Delmarva Peninsula. Salisbury’s paid parental leave program went into effect at the start of the new fiscal year, on July first, after having been passed with the unanimous support of the City Council. Running in conjunction with FMLA, the policy enables employees to take up to six weeks of fully paid leave in the event of child birth or adoption.

In addition to supporting City employees and their families by allowing parents to bond with their newborn or recently-adopted children, it is the hope of the Mayor and Council that this benefit will also help make municipal jobs more attractive, and aid in employee retention.

Mayor Day remarked, “I am proud to offer this new benefit to our City employees. With this initiative, we once again stand at the vanguard of small cities in America, as we set an example for others to follow. In providing paid parental leave, we are acting not only on our commitment to our employees, we are reaffirming our commitment to their families as well.”


  1. Now Heath wants to be the County Executive...!


  2. Call me whatever name you want, but as a happily single person, I do not understand why anyone should get paid parental leave (unless of course if it comes out of an employee's regular vacation time.) You make a conscious choice to have a child knowing what it will entail, so why should you get special benefits just because of that? I am never going to have kids, so 1 or 2 times during my employment, can I have a free 6 weeks off too? It seems only fair.

  3. This would be just the beginning of higher fees, taxes and costs if these two get elected. WAKE UP PEOPLE, THESE TWO ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS

    Jack Heath is Jake Day part II

  5. I thought that already was a part of the FMLA?

    1. Most FMLA plans are umpaid just hold a job.

  6. In the private sector you don't get paid leave. When I had my first child I had saved all my 2 weeks vacation time and took it when he was born. I went right back to work (had no choice). My second child I had a c-section and other complications and guess what? no paid leave either. We struggled a little financially because we did not expect the problems but we didn't expect anyone else to pay for that.

  7. If its so Vanguard why doesn't Ole' Pappy Day do the same for all of his Purdue employees.

    My wife worked for those idiots at Perdue. Our 1st child was born at 9pm and bright and early at 8am her boss called her. Not to offer congratulations but to hassle her about her email password. When she couldn't remember it because she hadn't slept in 24 hours he berated my wife to her supervisor in front of her co-workers. She was not given any extra paid time off by Perdue. Our personal STD policy with Afflac helped to cover the difference. A policy we got outside of and with zero help from Perdue.

    So again. If its so awesome than why are private companies running from policies like these as fast as they can? Is it because when you actually have to produce income these types of things simply aren't realistic and in fact would hurt a company's profitability? Absolutely.

    If you want retention stop being a POS boss and make the environment people work in pleasant. You shouldn't have to offer a bigger carrot every time. What you need to do is give a $hit about your town, the people in it and the people who actually make things run.

    Jake Day you are whats wrong. Your mentality is one that is twisted. Your lack of business experience is hurting this town. You might be smart as a whip but for all your intelligence you cant hide the fact that you are just a little boy playing with other peoples money. Every business owner I know sees right through you and you are frequently called an idiot and a D-bag by people that are far more respected than you are.

    Enjoy your day. Dummy

  8. Oh My! Jake Day's staff is clearly sending in comments freaking out that we exposed the TRUTH once again. However, this time they're using incredible curse words they know won't get published. Do all of you wear pussy hats to work every day while you hide behind anonymous?

  9. Do us a real favor and make it retroactive to about 1975. There are kids who are now adults who suffered greatly when their parents had to go to work instead of bonding with them all day long. Those kids could use six weeks of our salaries.

  10. He'll let's be honest, if Randy day gave Perdue farms FMLA paid leave for the birth of child they would have to hire two sets of crews for each shift to rotate workers, LMFAO

  11. If there are so many SMART people in the City, why does NO ONE question Day about how he is going to pay for all of this? If the tax base is mainly landlords, do they honestly believe they can keep passing on increases to their tenants to cover the City's BS? Can't wait for the landlords to start getting in trouble with properties they can't rent.

    A word to Bob Culver - don't you dare do anything to bail out the City on the Folk Festival or anything else. Brad Gillis and his buddies have had Heath signs in their yards for weeks. They want you gone - don't give them any ammunition that can be used against you - like spending Wicomico tax payer money of the FF!

  12. You offering paid parental leave, and you hope that others will follow? It's easy for you to offer it at the damn taxpayers expense. Our company could not afford that at all. How aboit you pay for it out of your own darn pocket lime the rest of the small companies would have to do!!!

  13. If you want kids u pay for it on YOUR OWN y should I have to pay for your sexual escapades ?

  14. Pink pussy hat Day.

    1. Actually,

      If this is true about Mayor Day wearing a pussy hat and demonstrating

      Write his C.O. with photos, selfies, or other

      Jake Day will be reprimanded for Conduct Unbecoming

    2. He supports them.


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