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Monday, July 30, 2018

Ryan and McConnell Stick It to Trump – Will Not Fund Border Wall in September Funding Bill

Never-Trump Republican leaders Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters this week they will not fund the Trump Border Wall in the upcoming spending bill.

Ryan and McConnell passed a record $1.3 trillion spending bill in March. The spending bill funded Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities but NOT the Trump border wall.

And now the Republican Party leaders are going to stick it to President Trump and his voters once again. They’re not going to fund the border wall in September.

The Daily Caller reported:

During a radio interview with WHAS on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border will likely not make it into the next funding legislation, which must be passed by the end of September in order to avoid another government shutdown.

When directly asked if the funding of the border wall would have to wait until after midterm elections, the Republican senator replied “probably,” noting that it is “something [Democrats and Republicans] do have a disagreement on.”

More here


  1. I hope all the Rhinos realize that they better not be running for re-election, because most Trump supporters are fed up with their BS and we the people are going to "stick it to them".

  2. Well, the checks from Mexico have yet to be put in the mail. So essentially, they SHOULD be against the wall, for now at least.

  3. 10:18 AM - Exactly.

  4. Don't let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out Ryan. McConnell should be close behind you. Crooked Washington, your time is about up.

  5. You must realize President Trump is a smart man. And Mexico will pay for the wall. Probably not with a check that says border wall on it. But Trump will make them pay even if it is by taxing all Mexican imports. It will get paid for by Mexico. One way or the other.


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