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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Ruling Opening Restrooms, Locker Rooms to Transgender Students Appealed

A conservative legal organization is asking the full 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review the May ruling of a three-judge panel against school privacy in upholding a Pennsylvania school’s opening of its locker rooms, showers, and restrooms to students of the opposite sex.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has already spoken: The real differences between men and women mean that privacy must be protected where it really counts, and that certainly includes high school locker rooms and restrooms,” Christiana Holcomb, legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a statement.

The alliance, a nonprofit, public interest law firm, and allied attorneys are spearheading the appeal of the May ruling.

During the the 2016-17 school year, Boyertown High School in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, opened its restroom facilities and locker rooms to students of the opposite sex without warning.



  1. The article states that "no transgender student should be segregated from his peers.. ", is not a peer in this case other transgender students? And not those who are not transgender?

  2. When did it become the 'norm' for 98% of the population having to be subjected to the whims and wishes of the 2% of the population>

    Doesn't it seem illogical that 98% of the population have to alter their life so that 2% can live their life without having to make any adjustments to their 'lifestyle'?

  3. How much privacy do you need to get dressed or undressed or go to the bathroom ? When did these simple acts get sexualized ? I wonder about people that worry about it. Maybe they are the ones with dirty minds.

  4. 3:28.....every guy I know (all REAL men) would not even hesitate to say they "identify" as a girl, just to get to shower and dress with the girls class.
    You MUST be gay.
    If not, I'm thinking you've never been laid.
    One or the other.....


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