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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Resort Files Motion To Stop Preliminary Injunction In Topless Case

OCEAN CITY — Evoking the “character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination,” the Town of Ocean City late last week fired back against a request for a preliminary injunction allowing women to immediately go bare-chested in the resort while the larger civil case trudges through the court system.

A little over a year ago, the Ocean City Mayor and Council passed an emergency ordinance prohibiting women from going topless in certain public areas, including the beach and Boardwalk, where men are allowed to go shirtless. The ordinance was passed in response to a request from Chelsea Eline of the Town of Ocean City, the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Maryland Attorney General’s Office to clarify existing state laws prohibiting female toplessness in certain public areas.

Earlier this year, Eline and four other named plaintiffs filed suit in U.S. District Court against the town, challenging the ordinance that prohibits women from going topless and exposing their breasts in the same areas where men are allowed to go shirtless. In late June, the plaintiffs filed a motion for a preliminary injunction that would allow them, and ostensibly any other women who chose to do so, to go topless in Ocean City immediately while the larger civil suit makes it way through the courts.



  1. Spin Cycle

    All the bikes have been removed from the park.
    I am wondering who footed the bill for all the big spin cycle signs and bike racks.
    All of this makes our leaders look so naive. Spin knew they were going in another direction and just wanted to dump their excess bike stock on to us and our leaders were too stupid to ask the right questions and bought in to the scam.

  2. Family Oriented resort? That's a laugh! A bar on every street corner and bars on the boardwalk. Very family oriented when drunks are stumbling around the boardwalk. What a crock this is! And showing a woman's breast? Since when did society become so prudish. We are forced to look at men who are extremely large flaunting their jiggles of fat around and their man boobs, but it's forbidden to think that a woman's breast is horrid? OC needs to get with the times and realize that the sight of a woman's naked breast is not a bad thing....take a look at the all the other beached worldwide. Next think you know the women will start to complain about the little itty bitty speedos that the overly large men wear...and we have to see this. Where's the outrage on that? I've seen plenty of women flaunting their behinds in bikini bottoms (t-straps) and this is ok? They are sitting on barstools with their naked butt and this isn't an outrage? Where does society draw the line? You are allowed to show off your assets from the rear, but don't dare show off your cleavage or naked breast. What a prudish society this has become.

  3. A Family destination my butt!!!!

    I think I can see both sides of this issue. I see the plaintiffs winning this battle


  4. This will kill this resort, The little hooker that started all of it deserves whatever bad happens to her.

  5. I wish that Eline dame would go somewhere else to do her damage!

  6. I can only imagine the perverts that would come to OC.

  7. 10:39 AM: You are everything that is wrong in the world.

  8. let em go topless just fine the pervs for looking, what a cash cow for oc!

  9. 334 - huh? Someone should interview Mr. and Mrs. Fun!!!!

  10. 3:34. You sound like a person that’s afraid to look at yourself naked in a mirror. Obviously you think that a woman bearing a naked butt or breast is shameful. Sounds like someone is repressed...just like society

  11. only our amoral millenials would want this. it's never been an issue before.


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