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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Puerto Rican Mayor Arrested For Misuse of HUD funds ****Remember how critical she was of Trump****

Mayor and 2 others accused of defrauding government of $8 million
A Puerto Rican mayor and two former government officials were recently arrested on corruption charges that involved $8 million in federal and local funds, according to anarticle by The Associated Press.

The two officials are former directors of finance from the island’s town Toa Baja, and the mayor is from Sabana Grande, according to the article. The two officials are accused of stealing $5 million in federal funds to pay the town’s public employees, while Mayor Miguel Ortiz is accused of stealing $3 million in a separate scheme from 2013 to 2016.

From the article:

Officials said former finance director Victor Cruz Quintero deposited some $2.5 million worth of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development into the town's general and payroll accounts in October 2014.

He also is accused of making similar deposits and transfers of more than $1.75 million in funds from HUD and the Department of Health and Human Services from September 2014 to February 2016.



  1. Add this idiot to NOLA Mayor Ray Nagan, who, during Karrina, railed against Bush as a racist and then embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars. Off to jail!

  2. PR has never (or will) Change. It’s the way of life down there. I say sell it to Venezuela for $1.

  3. Waiting for CNN to post this ?

  4. I remember, but you can bet the DA democrats will not. And, all democrats a re DAs. ALL!!!

  5. Very hard labor, none of this country club crap! HARD TIME!

  6. We're still looking for the 8 billion that Hillary lost.

  7. Anyone besides me notice the common denominator here? You can’t make this stuff up. It is a sure bet that certain demographics and political affiliations are dependably corrupt.

  8. Karma's a b*tch!


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