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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Political Editors: Baltimore Crime Rate Confirms Ferguson Effect

The Maryland city leads the nation in murder rate as police have become wary of policing.

Last year Baltimore, Maryland, led the nation in homicides, continuing its growing trend in violent crime that began in 2015 following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. That happened during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests across the nation. Feeling the pressure, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake refused to back the city’s police department, thus precipitating days of violent rioting only quelled after the National Guard was brought in.

Six Baltimore city police officers were put on trial over Gray’s death, resulting in three acquittals and the city dropping the case against the other three. Barack Obama’s Justice Department investigated Baltimore’s police department and accused “Baltimore’s police of arresting thousands of people without a valid legal basis, using unjustified force and targeting black neighborhoods for unconstitutional stops.” Needless to say, the message had a chilling effect upon the city’s law enforcement.

Now USA Today reports, “The surge of shootings and killings that followed has left Baltimore easily the deadliest large city in the United States. Its murder rate reached an all-time high last year; 342 people were killed. The number of shootings in some neighborhoods has more than tripled. One man was shot to death steps from a police station. Another was killed driving in a funeral procession.”



  1. Dave T: Imagine that! Another example of how liberal politics doesn't work. Here marks another list topper for Maryland - always on the lists of what not to be. As I've said before, I'm stumped on what to call this new paradigm of what we're supposed to call a state government -- whose composition is something between raw sewage and complete garbage. Bravo. If America really is shaping up, we certainly aren't experiencing it in Maryland.

  2. It why i cant wait to leave MD it is libtatd central.(across the bay) full of stupid ignorant socialist democrat and RINOs

  3. 23 years on the job and it's not worth the risk of indictment, pension jeopardy and prison. I drive with blinders on at work. Law enforcement is now about surviving, and having a 8 and skate mentality. Many civilians want it and now you got it. Good luck

  4. Barack Obama did his damage and is no longer president. Baltimore City police officers are being paid to do a job and need to do it or move on if they are not happy working there! The female police officer that was a few blocks away from a man with a gun and was flagged down by firemen only to say it wasn't in her district is a prime example of Baltimore City Police not doing their job and she should be fired!

  5. How is this Ferguson or BLM related?? I can't remember a year over the last decade or more where Baltimore hasn't been within the top 5 or 10 murder cities in the US. I know, I know...."just make up the facts to support your story". Got it guys.

  6. You must be a special kind of stupid 11:29. Of course they are related. BLM was built on Ferguson and the lies surrounding it and Baltimore jumped on the band wagon. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. While Baltimore has been a top murder city the murders skyrocketed after the riots because the police stopped being proactive for fear of being charged. Bottom line the residents of that city are getting exactly what they deserve.
    They don't want to support the police then they deserve nothing other then to wallow forever in the cess pools of crime and poverty that they and they are created.

  7. 1129 BINGO "bang go", the facts are made up to support the initiative!

  8. Why should they until the AA communties start turning the scum in they totally get what they deserve and voted for democrat idiots

  9. Baltimore gets what they deserve..keep protecting the thugs in your mist..were is BLM on this? BLM is bulls#$@, lies and manipulation. The genocide in our citeies rest souly with democrats and BLM and the s##%houses they built


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