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Friday, July 27, 2018

Oregon ‘Abolish ICE’ Agitators Hurled Racial Slurs at Black, Hispanic Officers

“Abolish ICE” agitators in Portland, Oregon, reportedly hurled racial slurs at black and Hispanic federal officers who were policing them for the past month.

According to Tuesday evening report in The Oregonian, agitators who have been occupying and camping outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office in Southwest Portland since June 17 reportedly called a black officer the N-word and also referred to him as a “blood traitor” and an “Uncle Tom.”

“These racial slurs have been directed at me throughout the entire length of the deployment,” the African-American officer reportedly wrote, according to email records The Oregonian obtained.

The outlet reported that an officer “who is a woman of Hispanic and Native American descent” was “called derogatory terms for Hispanic people” in addition to being called a “weak female” and “traitor.”

“I was berated for so long I can’t even remember everything that was told to me,” the female officer of Hispanic and Native American descent reportedly wrote.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives.


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