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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Older immigrants ‘crowding out’ US teens for summer jobs

Legal and illegal immigrants are “crowding out” American teens looking for summer jobs, and the impact of higher teen unemployment could be a drag on them for years, according to a new analysis of the seasonal workforce.

The Center for Immigration Studies found that as the number of U.S. teens with summer jobs has dropped significantly, employment of immigrants has doubled.

“Immigrants -- legal and illegal -- are crowding out U.S.-born teenagers in the labor market,” according to the report from Steven A. Camarota, director of research at CIS.

In his analysis, Camarota found that employers are seizing on older immigrants, often over 20 and with some working experience, instead of U.S. teens to fill summer jobs. And another driving factor, he said, may be that immigrants are willing to work for a lower wage.

While good for immigrants, he cited research that it can be devastating for U.S. teens. Shut out of a summer job, they often have difficulty in the workforce for years.

“Teens employed in high school earn more than teens who did not work in the first year after graduation, with wage differences tending to increase over time. Also, teens who were employed in high school are more likely to be employed and work more hours during the year, with a significant relationship between hours worked in high school and subsequent hours worked and wages earned,” said the report.

What's more, he added this:


  1. ANYONE who votes dumbocrat is a traitor to this country

  2. Has this study taken into account the number of teens who don’t have summer jobs because they don’t have to. Why work when your folks buy you a car and pay for your insurance and put gas in the car and give you spending money all summer long? They don’t want to take a job working at a fast food chain or any other job.......they want to hang out with their friends playing video games or goofing off.

  3. I have talked to college kids around here and they say it is hard to get a summer job because the employers around here hire so damn many of those people. We need to boycott those damn employers who hire illegals. It's their fault that so many illegals come here. They give the illegals the incentive to come here knowing these a-hole employers will hire them. I am emailing President Trump telling him he should concentrate on the employers of illegals. It's illegal to hire them, so they should be arrested. I have plenty of video of the employers around here to show them. Especially you landscaping morons.


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