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Sunday, July 08, 2018

Ocean City Maryland Summer 2018

This week I shared my personal opinion and experience with the lack of traffic this summer in Ocean City. It amazed me just how many ANONYMOUS comments came flying in, (rejected) defending Ocean City, claiming what I had stated just wasn't true. They were rejected because what I said was in fact true. 

Over the past two decades, (especially 4th of July) the traffic back up for locals was simply unbearable. Locals learned, (sometimes the hard way) to make sure we did all our shopping by July 3rd or we'd have to deal with horrible traffic conditions. 

For example, I live about one mile outside Ocean City, (the island). That means if I had to go to WalMart of Home Depot I could easily get there but coming home, well, that was a whole different story. Many can tell you right here in comments, traffic could back up all the way to Stephen Decatur High School, let alone WalMart. Now I'm talking a parking lot kind of traffic. That short trip back to my home would take at least 45 minutes just to go about 2 miles, (or so). 

We have friends who work at Seacrets who informed me last week that they were let go early on Saturday night because Seacrets only had around a thousand customers, something extremely rare. We're watching local businesses close way early on a daily basis because there's just no business. My guess is that you will see a LOT of businesses close their doors for next season because they just can't survive. One local bar is now selling domestic beer for $1.00 ! Talk about desperate. There's no possible way they can survive. Last night we drove by that bar and there was truly ONE car in their entire parking lot and you and I both know that was more then likely an employee vehicle. 

Getting back to my point, (sorry, I had an a.d.d. moment, oh look, a chicken) Salisbury News arrived a long time ago. We can no longer be ignored. While many tried to deny our massive success, we continued to plug away every single day and local government learned we're just not going away. Ocean City can try to claim, (anonymously) what we are putting out there just isn't true, they're the liars. The traffic we have always experienced in past years is real. My home overlooks the Rt. 50 Herring Creek Bridge/overpass. We could sit on the front porch and see cars literally parked on that bridge, not just briefly, I'm talking all day and night. That is NOT the case at all this year. In fact, I've not witnessed it ONCE this year. 

All that being said, even though the economy is doing a complete 180, Ocean City is NOT the Family Resort it used to be. Friends no longer walk the Boardwalk for exercise in the early mornings because of the drug addicts, the bums, the homeless constantly harassing them. When hotel rates skyrocket to upwards of $450.00 a night, taxes through the roof, just what did they expect. A Typical $20.00 per person meal is not $40.00+. Parking is $3.00 an hour no matter where you go. Uber can cost you upwards of $150.00 round trip just to go to dinner and back.

Sorry Ocean City, we LOVED to visit in the 1970's and 1980's but you've destroyed that island. Hence why you are seeing such massive growth in West Ocean City. Locals know, the best restaurants are in West OC. Many of the talented Chefs are relocating and even partnering with new businesses in West OC. 

The image above was taken around 1:20 PM yesterday. Because the island pays out so much in salaries to run and protect it, they've depleted their rainy day money in the tens of millions of dollars and they've created an unbelievable amount of new taxes and fees that will ultimately turn into the next Atlantic City. Ocean City truly needs some new and innovative government leaders before it's too late. 

Lying about how busy you are may have worked in years past but when you have SBYNews with traffic in the tens of millions, we can't be bought and clearly we're not going away. I am not out to harm Ocean City. Many of us lived and were even raised on the island. Almost every single one of us got the hell out of there and came to West Ocean City because we saw the writing on the wall. If you don't open your eyes and ears, (lie) you will remain on a fast track to bankruptcy. MANY businesses, (who can't vote) depend on these political leaders. There isn't one business in 2018 who can say they're booming or having a great year. 

The parking lot, (above) says it all. Stop cropping pictures and making it look like things are busier then they are. The blame lies on the politicians, forcing businesses to raise their rates to keep up with the local taxes and fees. It wouldn't be so bad if the parking lots were actually full 18 hours a day, BUT THEY'RE NOT.  


  1. Just like any other place in America when undesirables move in , we move out . IT will become and island of the hood, with MS 13 and the likes.

  2. Having lived in OC since 1986, and around it since 1977, I can say you are exactly right on all counts, except for the next-to-last sentence. Although the local taxes and fees are exorbitant, the tourists would pay the high cost of visiting if they did not have to put up with all the riff-raff. The mayor and city council actively sought to bring the inner-city ghetto here; first, with all the illegals from south of the border, then the hood rats from Balt, DC, and Philly, and in recent years the "homeless." As long as those people stay out of Mallard Island and Caine Woods, they have more protection than the rest of us. With their ivory-tower mentality, Mr. Meehan and Co. will never accept the feelings of long-time tourists who no longer come here to expose themselves and their loved ones to the constant third-world antics of these degenerates.

  3. When we visited in the 1960s through the early 1980s, we could see the changes in the town and the people. That's why we don't go anymore.

  4. I've worked at Seacrets for the past 5 years (year round employee BTW)
    This summer is the slowest I've seen. No wait for a table on Friday or Saturday night. No long lines to get in at 11pm.
    Just my observations.

    1. The Town has a reputation of Dodge City

      Families rather avoid the Hood and keep their families safe

  5. Phillips has begun selling Tacos and the 2nd floor of the old Halls is rarely used now. That should tell you something.

  6. I agree with all the above statements. I grew up here during the same period from the Sixties to the eighties and also saw the changes. I stopped going in the nineties when my kids were born. I no longer saw it as a family place to go. Instead, we went to Assateague on Sunday's when the tourist were leaving, or we would vacation in NC on the Outer Banks or the mountains of West Virginia. It was more family friendly, and there are more things to see and do. It's also a lot cheaper.

    I only visit west Ocean City, and when I do, I have lunch at Rosenfeld's Deli. Great food and great people, or off season at some of the restaurants there.

    1. Do you think Rosenfelds is in West Ocean City?

  7. Salisbury and Delaware hood rats love going there they use there EBT card for all supplies.

  8. OC put out a statement that the inlet parking lot was full at 10 PM on the fourth. Two things about that, fireworks started before 10 so the lot should have been full before 10 and I happened to be looking at the inlet parking lot camera at exactly 10 PM and saw at least 2 empty spots.

  9. JOE you are RIGHT -- SBYNEWS is a real POWERHOUSE to be respected. NOW is the time for YOU to do what you were sent to OC to do - to take up the political REINS and show them how its DONE. I don't know if you should go out for MAYOR or what, but I'm sure YOU will know what to do! Salisbury lost out BIG TIME when they failed to elect you. Well theyre loss is OCs GAIN!!

  10. There are more signs there that say COLD BEER there now than say OCEAN CITY. Rename the town.

  11. That is what you get with greedy Politians and the chronic complainers concerning the events that drew crowds. The chronic complainers now have their so-called family resort back and now stuck with the high taxes and no visitors to help them pay for their desires. I am glad this has finally happen. I was born and raised here and OC used to be the place to go for enjoyment and not have to spend a weeks salary in one night. That is until the mid 80's. Then Mathias and his crooks ruined it.

  12. Watch the traffic on google maps. The last two Sundays back ups at 404 and 213 and the bay bridge were very minimal going west.

  13. I live in downtown Ocean City for 30 years. What I am seeing is no rift-raft, no trouble makers. On the 4th of July my street was packed and the beach was families.
    We are speculating that the new parking system is keeping some folks out that don't want to be scanned by the system. Just a thought. The hotels that rented to those folks are off from what I hear.
    My street which has townhouse and weekly rentals has been solidly booked.

    Maybe the City is driving away the bad element. It's ok with me. This past June was the nicest one we have had in a very long time

  14. I have been working in OC for the past 10+ years doing maintenance work on rentals and can tell you it started last year. There were times I was on Coastal Highway and for 3 blocks NO CARS! I was shocked to say the least, I thought it was a one off occurance that day but again and again light traffic on Coastal. The parking lots under the condos are not full as they have been in past years, fact! I have mentioned this to some local people who have tried to tell me 'oh no they are just as full as ever', this just is simply not true. When I can go on two Carribbean cruises for what a week in OC would cost I would rather go on the cruise! Twice!!

  15. When venerable seafood restaurant start selling Mexican food, that tells you something. Phillips North and Crabcake Factory bay-side have converted to Mexican. I get the profit margins for Mexican food vs. seafood, but Phillips North has been there for since the early 80's.
    So, Joe, great points but how does the town change the 'element' without being sued by the ACLU?

  16. Ocmd Politians better get a grip on Des thugs bc if they don't it will be another hood rat hangout and it will get destroyed look at Cambridge a once nice waterfront area now GUETTO.

    1. Coward OC Politians will bow too the thugs bc it's politically correct ask Jake day and Heath.

  17. Phillips North and all other Phillips Eateries have been using Asian Seafood for Many Years. NOT Local crabs, etc. Word has finally spread and they will end up on the trash heap of Restaurants.

    I remember when and this was and is a travesty...

  18. I never hear anything about Fagers in these articles and comments. Are they still open?

  19. The demise of Phillips started when they got the incredibly stupid idea to use crab meat from the Philippians. I bought it once years ago and it was nasty. It even smelled putrid-a mix of toxic waste and a poor quality canned cat food.

  20. When those people get JOEALBERO in there he'll fix the politics of Ocean city for sure.

  21. OC's a bust been nothing but bars, a few murders even, bad behavior and there had to be more and more police officers in the last 10 years. The increase in parking fees I'm sure added to it's end, the Delaware Beaches have more for tourists and you have the Outlets.


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