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Friday, July 20, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez Couldn’t Define ‘Occupation of Palestine’ Despite International Relations Degree

Democratic-socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Congressional candidate, was unable to explain her claim of “occupation of Palestine” in a PBS interview, although she graduated in 2011 with a degree in economics and international relations.

Ocasio-Cortez attended and graduated from Boston University just seven years before ousting a sitting 10-term Democrat congressman in this year’s New York Democratic primary election. The Boston Globe cites her Facebook page and the Associated Press in reporting that she earned her degree in economics and international relations in 2011.

Last Friday PBS published Margaret Hoover’s Firing Line interview with Ocasio-Cortez in which the candidate refers to the “occupation of Palestine.” The host challenges her to define what she means when she uses that term and, after a sustained pause and stumbling, she ultimately states, “I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue” – despite her BU degree in international relations. Ocasio-Cortez goes on to say, despite her lack of expertise, that she is a “firm believer in finding a two-state solution.”



  1. Yeah she's an idiot, but she, as well as most of the international world, understand that Israel is the occupying country. As outlined by the 1948 UN borders, Israel is in fact occupying Palestinian territories, particularly in the West Bank. Furthermore Israel has been occupying the Golan Heights since '68. Syria might eventually get the Golan Heights back (as Assad and Netanyahu have talked about this before).

    Now that Israel has lost their proxy war against Assad (thanks to Russia and Iran defeating ISIS, who was supported by Obama, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Qatar), hopefully the Golan Heights can be rightfully returned to Syria.

    Fox News will never talk about these things though. It's scripted news controlled by Robert Murdoch who has a significant investment in Genie Oil and Gas, a petroleum exploration company who just happen to have large exploration missions in none other than the Golan Heights.

    I like your blog Joe, and I'm a solid Trump supporter, but you all need to read up more on this subject.

  2. Clueless bug-eyed-bim!
    Perfect example of the best that the dumbocrats have to offer.

    It's splitting their party - hopefully we'll get a couple more conservative seats in the House and Senate due to this!

  3. Perfect for democratic brainwashing.

  4. She is as clueless as the rest of what the US is handing out degrees to. What is even more laughable are the incredibly ignorant parents who pay for these useless degrees and are proud of their kid's "accomplishment." The democrats when they ran all the jobs overseas then lied and said all troubles would be over if people got degrees. The problem with that is then they the democrats lowered the standards so anyone could get a degree. Bur I am glad the parents are just as stupid. But I am not complaining. Some of us made a ton of money off the democrats education lies.

  5. Millennial Moron.


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