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Monday, July 30, 2018

Newt: ‘You Must Be an American Citizen to Vote’

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused Democrats of pushing illegal immigration to gain more traction at the polls.

Gingrich cited San Francisco as ground zero for the movement, where illegal immigrants are eligible to register and vote in local school board elections, in a Wednesday op-ed for Fox News.

“Pro-illegal immigration, sanctuary-state-supporting Democrat majority in the state Legislature has no interest in enforcing the law when it’s being ignored by fellow Democrats,” Gingrich wrote.

He claims Democrats have a “long-range” plan to cement a permanent majority by stacking their voter base with non-citizens.

“A sound immediate step would be for Congress to pass a law reaffirming that you must be an American citizen to vote in all American elections,” he concluded.

“Let’s see how many Democrats would oppose this simple requirement.”



  1. It is time we got real with these Liberal assholes, send in the U.S. Marshals and arrest the city council, mayor, anyone that has had a hand in this BS! Arrest them under the federal law 8 U.S. Code Sec. 1324 They are all violating this law!

    sec. 1324; Knowingly concealing, hiding, helping illegal aliens is a Felony. Aiding, and abetting an illegal is reckless disregard for the law; constitutes conspiracy to violate the law, and therefore is a violation of this act.

  2. AMEN Brother Newt!

  3. When did the rules change? Felons can't vote but illegals can.
    It's sad that I can't fish without a license, but an illegal alien can vote with no identification.

    1. Damn!! Good luck fishing around here anymore. Illegals are absolutely taking any/all fish the catch while leaving the areas and roadways covered with trash.

  4. Yep treason and sedition arrest em and lock all these traitors up..what is so frigging hard about this. If it was us we would be arrested yesterday

  5. Gerald is right, they are already breaking the law along with the illegals. We need to start enforcing the laws we have. Are felons allowed to vote in all states?

  6. Wake up folks.
    You know this government is vile and corrupt to the core. They are doing this on purpose.

  7. Good going Newt!


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