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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Maxine Waters holy war against Trump: ‘God is on OUR side!’

Maxine Waters wants more people to harass Trump administration officials in public spaces.

The California Congresswoman went on a shouting rampage during a toy drive outside the Wilshire Federal Building on Saturday.

After claiming Trump is”sacrificing our children,” referring to the illegal immigrant kids separated from their “parents” near the border, Waters again called for the president’s impeachment, triggering loud applause from the baying mob.

“History will record while he tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and step on him,” she yelled, whipping up the crowd.

“If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” she warned.

“Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants,” she continued as the crowd erupted, “who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, ‘No peace, no sleep. No peace, no sleep,'” she continued.

“And so, let’s stay the course. Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled.

More here


  1. It shows us how messed up California and the Democratic party is that they keep electing this travesty to the House of Representatives. No wonder our government is so dysfunctional. This is why the Supreme Court keeps sending the gerrymandering cases back, so we can keep electing cretins and the courts can decide the rules of the Country. Thank goodness we elected Trump to get some decent people on the bench.

  2. Somebody arrest this lowlife. The Senate should censure and impeach her. Capitol police should arrest her for public nuisance. She is ghetto trash, nothing more. She is inciting hatred, riots, violence and mayhem because of a successful President. I certainly hope at the very least she is being likewise harassed and assaulted as she prescribes.

  3. Gloves are off maxi stand by to have your request turned on you and your stupid followers. Lets Shutdown all democrats supporters bussiness.remember most people with a brain and money work unlike most dems and their followers

  4. I would like to know what illness is common among those who vote for her....Seriously, it has to be a local mental illness.

  5. Does she have an actual following? The idea that someone would actually be hinged on her every word is scary.

  6. Boy you sure are lost!!! God is not on your side!!! You demonic luciferian witch. You lie and deceive..that my dear is not Gods way!! Typical democratic double speak.try everything in the opposite of what they say it will make more sense

  7. Doubtful Maxine. You murder babies and call it choice. You align yourself with sinful behavior to get votes. You should be locked up for inciting violence.

  8. Could her mouth get any bigger?

  9. Lock & Load cause Waters, Cummings, Soros, Antifa, Liberal Democrats and the Black Caucus to name a few are now telling where you can & cannot eat and shop and where you are allowed to go. History is repeating itself. The 2nd Civil War is in motion thanks to the actions of the Democrats. That is why they want our guns.

  10. Question: What God?

  11. Republicans need to stop taking liberal crap they stalk they shoot they harass, It's time to make Democrats afraid.

  12. Another reason to carry a gun.....

    Things can pop off in a split second, especially with people in authority loudly and quite specifically telling people to commit violent acts (I believe there are laws against that).
    What are you going to do? Say "Hey, can y'all hold off on that robbing, burning, assaulting, killing, and gettin' back at whitey stuff 'til I can run home and get my 9?
    Oh. YOU would dial 911 and wait for the police? You'd be one of the first ones robbed or killed. UNLESS, maybe, someone with a .45 helped you get away. Or not. He might be busy saving his own family (those 4 guys bleeding out on the pavement next to his car MIGHT be a clue).
    OUR LEADERS are calling for violent acts against American citizens?
    You better always be ready.
    Entropy. It's everywhere....

    1. You litterly sound like Maxine waters just on a different subject. Your a moron.

    2. 10:23... You're literally a moron.

  13. Yeah he's there to throw Satan (Maxine Waters) into the abyss!

  14. In the middle of an interview someone threw a squeaky toy and Maxine took off after it.

  15. She's a friggin Whacko! God is not on her or their side. The upcoming Civil War will prove that.

  16. 10:23...you sound, and spell and write, like a recent college grad. Lol.
    That's not a compliment.
    Refute what I said. An elected leader is calling for violence against OTHER American citizens. You're (different from "your") the moron.
    An unarmed one, too.
    That's probably a bigger problem than your (different from "you're") stellar education.
    Keep cheering.
    And use your name, you bad-ass sissy.

  17. When are these nut cases going to be removed from power because of their breaking the oath of office? They must uphold the laws of the land or step down from governing and be punished. Just as we ordinary citizens would be punished for wrongdoing.

  18. Why???


    Heads have been cut off for that and millions have been tortured and killed because of it.

    You cheer it!!

    But it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ends the same way.

    Heads will roll again, or be stretched from their neck about 3 more inches.
    By ammo TODAY.

  19. Democrats don't like God

  20. Is it mandatory,given her position,that she always has the podium? Why does the press flock around this idiot every time she opens her mouth? Hate eventually causes mental illness,but on the flip side Maxine has no idea how beneficial her tirades will be to the Republicans come November.

  21. She is nothing but a low life Baboon

  22. 10:55 AM - That's the kind of speech that took us to places we didn't want to go. You can get your point across without being demeaning or horribly racist. Give it a try.

  23. That is one ugly, mad old woman. Sorry Mel, she is the new "Mad Max."


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