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Monday, July 16, 2018

Mark Warner calls for supervision of Trump, says Putin may 'take advantage'

Senator Mark Warner said Sunday that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin may "take advantage" of President Trump during a Monday meeting in Finland, and called for other U.S. officials to supervise the president.

The Virginia Democrat said additional U.S. representatives were needed in the meeting to advocate for U.S. positions and to "make sure that the Americans — for that matter, the world — gets a straight story of what happens" during talks.



  1. um, yeah...right....how about we take care of that right after we assign someone to chaperone him first

  2. Hmmmm isn't there a pic out there of Hillary and a Russia holding a Reset Button ?

  3. Right - 'cuz Killary sure had him under HER thumb!

  4. People can advise the president but no one can supervise him.

  5. I'm pretty sure the Donald is a big boy now, LOL!

  6. This made me laugh.


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