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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Major Breaking News Articles Tomorrow Morning

SBYNews will break TWO major news articles tomorrow morning. Spread the word because these two articles are BIG. Stay Tuned... 


  1. aww, you always say that -big breaking news stories - against salisbury and its people -- same old, same old -- and nothing ever changes but the name.

  2. Let's see

    Hillary gets locked up

    President Trump wins 2020 election early

    Two great news briefs.....waiting for tomorrow

  3. Anonymous said...
    aww, you always say that -big breaking news stories - against salisbury and its people -- same old, same old -- and nothing ever changes but the name.
    July 12, 2018 at 8:53 PM

    Then maybe smallsbury and its people should change their ways?

  4. WBOC finally covers crime in dabury ?

  5. Only "big" to enemies of Salisbury. Boy, did Salisbury dodge a bullet when they rejected Mr. Albero for Mayor. Just try to imagine what kind of scams he would have tried to pull on Salisbury, as mayor.

  6. Sooooo true 8:29! Thank you!!!!

  7. 829 - is that you Boy? Hiding only to come out and poke someone who is positive and truthful in what he presents. Unlike you lying Jake, playing car salesman and providing a lemon to the people of Salisbury.

    THEN will go and hide with upcoming military duty. Boy you need to exit now while you still have a rump that isn't bruised!!!!

    Deplorable Day!


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