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Monday, July 02, 2018

Lies, Damned Lies, and Immigration Policy

The falsehoods that protect a political interest.

No policy debate is more filled with dishonesty and duplicity than immigration. The whine of political axes being ground is continually drowned out by Emma Lazarus sentimentalism, “we’re a nation of immigrants” clichés, promiscuous virtue-signaling, and the current weepy melodramas of children “ripped from their mother’s arms.” The whole sordid business exists, of course, to perfume some simple truths: Leviathan Dems want more voters and more dependents of the entitlement-industrial complex; Wall Street Republicans want plentiful cheap labor. The only thing missing are the facts about the reality of immigration both illegal and legal.

Start with imprecise numbers. We are told that there are currently 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S. Others say it’s closer to 20 to 25 million. The point is, nobody knows. We do know that close to a third of federal inmates are illegals. But we don’t know much about the rest, except for those illegal alien “dreamers” on television lamenting how they have to “live in the shadows.” We don’t know the extent of the costs to taxpayers of illegal immigration, even as we are told by amnesty supporters that they are net contributors to the economy through payroll and sales taxes. But they don’t tell us if that sum subtracts the $26 billion sent back to Mexico. We do know that taxpayers spend $2 billion a year to provide medical services to illegal aliens just in emergency room visits. According to Christopher Conover, state and local circumventions of federal prohibitions against health care for illegals are indirectly costing taxpayers $17 billion a year in care for illegal aliens. And that’s just health care. Some estimates put the total cost of illegal aliens at $89 billion, while others go as high $135 billion.

More here


  1. Congress is a disgrace to put abortion at the top of their agenda.


  2. Breaking News.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressive The Gay Reverend John Wright got arrested yesterday afternoon, 7-1-2018, after he charged across the road to attack a Pro-Trump supporter. He claims he "stepped in the road" which is false, he charged after a Pro-Trump peaceful protester. He was arrested on the spot by Worcester County Deputies. John Wright and other members of ANTIFA Wicomico, James Yamakawa, Dan O'Hare, Jake Burdette, Jared Schablein, Kevin Schablein, Michelle Gregory, Michael Feldman, Christopher Aulerich and others including their children. They took their children to protest in the 100-degree heat. They all should be charged with child abuse for that. Of course the Daily Rag was there supporting the ANTIFA Progressives. Must have gotten the assignment from Susan Parker.

    John Wright is the Minister at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury

    Christopher Aulerich the same guy that had been arrested and charged with malicious destruction of property for graffiti on downtown Salisbury buildings belonging to Wicomico County, including the courthouse where our Civil War plaque is located.

    Dan O'Hare is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Maryland House of Delegates, 37B.

    Michele Gregory is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, District 3.

    Jake Burdette just got elected to the Democrat Central Committee. Scary!

    See the arrest right here:
    "Worcester County Law Enforcement taking away a reverend, John Wright , for stepping in the road at an anti-ICE protest outside the Worcester County Detention Center. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!"

    Here is the initial video from the ANTIFA member James Yamakawa who coordinated the Protest at the Worcester County Jail.

    They were at the Worcester County Jail protesting because the Jail is getting paid to house illegal aliens and claiming they are doing it for profit.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives are Black Lives Matters members.

    ANTIFA Wicomico includes Jamaad Gould, James Yamakawa, Amber Green, Jake Day, Jake Burdett, Jared Schablein, Earle Hatton, Kevin Schablein, Michele Gregory, Michael Feldman, Josh Hastings, Dan O'Hare and quite a few others. These are the ones that are dangerous because they are trying to take over county politics.


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