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Monday, July 23, 2018

Liberalism 2018


  1. Yeah, that's what we want...NOT! Any rational voter with any common sense and ability to cogitate for him or her self would never vote for a left wing liberal again.


  2. Not so fast....

    You forgot about taking God out of the platform.
    And about killing the unborn up to point of delivery.
    And stamping out tobacco while endorsing weed.
    And free college for all after reducing HS requirements to being able to use smartphone.
    And EBT now morphing into AMEX account.
    And Free Stuff!
    And EBT now getting Amazon Prime account linked to card.
    And More Free Stuff!

    Fixed it for you, until next Free Stuff update!

  3. This should be on billboards.

  4. But the snowflakes will vote in droves for whatever Dem (or socialist) that runs....God help us if Trump doesn't win a second term.


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