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Monday, July 23, 2018

Julian Assange to be handed over to UK officials: Report

Ecuador officials are planning to withdraw asylum protection for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and hand him over to British authorities.

Lenin Moreno, Ecuador's president, met with British officials in London Friday to finalize the agreement, according to the Intercept.

Assange has been at the embassy since 2012 and will be handed over to the British government within a few weeks. He may be kicked out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London as early as this week, the Intercept's Glenn Greenwald reported.



  1. I'm not a tin foil hat conspiracist.

    But do you really think it's security and national interests the government and deep state are worried about?

  2. We could use him over here in the USA to help Trump drain our swamp. The UK has no freedom of speech, so all that would happen to him there is to be thrown in jail right off the plane.

    #6 and the Rangers need to remove him to here.

  3. Hillary Dems will have him killed

  4. The same thing will happen to him that happened to Tommy Robinson if he can't get asylum elsewhere.

  5. Better put on the Kevlar, Julian!

  6. He'll be dead in a week.

    He knows WAAAAY too much of the REAL story.
    Keep cheering.


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