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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

It's Now Or Never For Trump

There can be no better advertisement against Democrats, neoconservatives, and never-Trumpers than their display after the Helsinki summit. Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

The Democrats’ destruction began long before Trump. They are wholly associated with government, their answer to all problems and the source of their identity and power. Where they once had a healthy hostility towards the military and the intelligence agencies, they are now among their stoutest defenders. Their ideology, such as it is, is simply more: more government, taxes, laws, regulations, revenues, power, surveillance, wars, and programs, in short, more blob.

Democrats and government is not just a marriage of convenience. They believe, to the core of their being, in its power with a fervor and conviction that surpasses most religious faith. Denied control of the government, they are fish on the bank, deprived of their element, flopping helplessly. The cardinal sin of whatever opposition they face is never rooted in ideology, it’s rather that the opposition has the temerity to seek control of their government.


1 comment:

  1. I voted for Trump and probably will do so again because he is a better alternative to the Hillary-Bernie-Warren-Booker-Schumer-Pelosi elite of the Democrat Party. But let's face it, TArump is an arrogant buffoon who could be the end of the moderate and prudent part of the Republican Party.


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