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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Is George Soros Fueling Race Riots in DC Ahead of Midterms?

Nazi Leader Jason Kessler — a Former Occupy Wall Street Leader — Is Holding a Rally in Washington DC

Nazi Leader Jason Kessler Branding DC Rally As Alt-Lite, Pro-Trump

Deep State Plant Seeks To Galvanize #Resistance Against Trump Before Midterms – Bloodbath Predicted By Both Alt-Right Leaders and Antifa

Neo-Nazi and Charlottesville rally planner Jason Kessler is now ordering his followers to re-brand themselves as “Alt-Lite”, to carry American flags, and to align themselves with President Trump and the Republican Party at his upcoming “Unite the Right 2” rally in front of the White House on August 12, all in an effort to galvanize the Deep State #Resistance against the GOP right before the critical midterm elections.

In a recent YouTube video, Kessler, an admitted leftist provocateur and Occupy Wall Street organizer, has called for a march down Pennsylvania Avenue and speeches in front of the White House.



  1. No problem
    Shoot them all

  2. Of course he is, this over privileged POS needs his assets frozen and then a full investigation needs to be done, but not by our worthless FBI/CIA anti Trump agents!

  3. Send in seal team six to arrest this obvious seditous criminal.

  4. Send in seal team six to arrest this obvious seditous criminal.

  5. Does a bear . . .

    Well, you know

  6. I have been WARNING about Soros for years he WIIL start a civil race war in 2020.


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