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Saturday, July 14, 2018

‘I Don’t Give a Damn What You Appreciate’: Gowdy Blasts Peter Strzok

Agent denies anti-Trump text messages during 2016 election prove bias

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy took off the gloves Thursday as he questioned biased FBI agent Peter Strzok about being kicked off the Russia probe.

In a tense exchange before the House Oversight and House Judiciary committees, the former FBI Deputy Assistant Director attempted to claim his texts weren’t the reason he was booted from the investigation – rather, he says, FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller was worried about the “appearance” his anti-Trump texts might create.

At one point Gowdy tells Strzok he “doesn’t give a damn” how the agent feels about how he worded a question. Here’s a transcript of the tense exchange:



  1. Joe here is a story for you. Left Wingnut Senator Dick Durbin calls ICE a group of incompetents. Frederick County Sheriff defends ICE.

    MD Sheriff Combating MS-13 Slams Sen. Durbin for Calling ICE a 'Group of Incompetents'


  2. Love that Tray G. !!!!!

  3. Love Trey Gowdy

    Trump 2020


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