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Saturday, July 07, 2018

Here's Why Hillary Is Running Again in 2020

That's right: Hillary Clinton is running for president again in 2020. She has actually ramped up her campaign since her defeat in 2016! From her Twitter feed to university speeches to appearances abroad – from Ireland to Australia to India – the "I'm with her" campaign continues. The message remains the same: Donald Trump is racist and sexist, and his supporters are deplorable. Hillary also continues to preach that she won the 2016 popular vote by 3,000,000 votes, but because of the electoral college (that damn Constitution thing) and RussiaRussiaRussia, she was robbed of her rightful prize and place in history.

Her Path to the Nomination

Hillary has a highly plausible path to the Democratic Party nomination, something no other potential Democrat candidate for president can say. In the primaries, Hillary Clinton's name recognition and loyal voters would earn her an easy 25% of the vote, while the anti-Hillary vote would split among as many as ten other candidates at about 5-10% each. This is not dissimilar to what Trump accomplished on the Republican side in 2016. With a solid base of supporters, Trump was able to win primary after primary while the others split the vote. Each time someone dropped out, Trump picked up about half of his supporters, with the other half disbursed among the other candidates. This is a realistic path for Hillary to gain the Democrat nomination, and it is no doubt irresistible to her.

Hillary is the only potential Democrat with big money-raising potential and an existing fundraising mechanism. That mechanism has been in place for 30 years! Hillary also has as much as $1 billion in Clinton Foundation donations stashed away for just such a rainy day. You didn't really think all that Russian oligarch money was sent to hungry children in Haiti, did you?



  1. She would look good in orange

  2. Can a convicted Felon be President? If the special prosecutor gets appointed she will be arrested, tried, found guilty for violating the espionage act.

  3. I really support this wise choice. nBest candidate ever!

    Trump supporter

  4. Hillary as U.S. President shall not come to pass.

  5. #Q #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening

  6. Hillary needs to be locked up by then. If she doesn't spend time in Prison then we have a very F'd up country.

  7. She won't run again. Not a chance.

  8. I'm a female, I'm black, a Democrat and an American born with a strong faith in GOD. I will NEVER vote for Hildabeast Clinton. NEVER, NEVER or EVER.

  9. Since a former Flotus gets secret service protection, do they have to serve time, too?


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