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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Here are the SIX BIGGEST DEEP STATE LIES from the FISA Memo to Spy on Republican Candidate Donald Trump and His Campaign

The FISA memo used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on President Trump was released last week. Although heavily redacted, the biggest lie in the FISA application is what was not shared.

We now know that the Steele Dosier was materially the sole support for the FISA application the FBI used to spy on President Trump.

The document was based on the work of an individual in the UK who supposedly interviewed Russians and who was paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign. We really have no idea who Steele purportedly interviewed to obtain [create] the salacious dossier, nor does the FBI. There have been no interviews of Russians who supposedly provided the salacious information in the dossier.


1 comment:

  1. So, it's all a lie, supported by liars who are paid by liars who made a career of lying for money.


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