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Friday, July 06, 2018

Happy Independence Day, America, You’re My Favorite Startup

Because of America’s unique government, this democratic republic has fostered more growth, ingenuity, and security than the modern world has ever seen. But arecent USA Today poll said that while 90 percent of Republicans surveyed said they were proud to be Americans, only about 71 percent were proud of America. Not surprisingly, the numbers are even lower among Democrats polled (61 percent were proud to be Americans and 22 percent were proud of America right now). While Trump’s roller-coaster presidency has inspired a new debate about nationalism, populism, and the relationship between the two, it should still be okay to have pride in America and be proud to be an American. That’s not eerily sinister, that’s patriotic.

It’s en vogue now to be critical of America and even to be slightly, if not completely, ashamed of being an American. Hollywood stars regularly tweet about their disdain for the country where they have the freedom to criticize her while enjoying enough wealth and popularity to rejuvenate the entire country of Venezuela. That they miss this irony altogether just makes their comments that much more amusing.


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