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Monday, July 16, 2018

Groups Linked to George Soros Behind Campaign to Repeal Trump Tax Cuts

Left-wing financier George Soros figures prominently in a campaign by progressives to repeal the Trump tax cuts, according to a review of the campaign’s allied organizations and their tax records by The Daily Signal.

The campaign, called “Not One Penny,” first came together almost a year ago with what The Washington Post reported was “a seven-figure ad buy in eight Republican-held congressional districts.”

All of the districts, the Post reported, include “large numbers of white voters without college degrees, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 but have not historically been passionate about tax cuts.”

The “direct action and activism” of the Not One Penny campaign, the Post reported, closely model the Tax March held April 15, 2017, and successful efforts to block repeal of Obamacare in the Senate.

Several organizations listed as partners by Not One Penny have tangible ties to Soros, the Hungarian-American billionaire and hedge fund manager.

More here


  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. 7:59 you are exactly right, Democrats hate America and would like to tear up the constitution. I think right now they are blinded by sheer hatred of Donald Trump for the unforgivable sin of beating the Hildabeast.

  3. Soros need a seal team six wake up call. He is involved in outright Sedition of our republic.

  4. Why hasn't Soros been arrested for funding hate groups that incite violence?


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