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Monday, July 30, 2018

Gregg Jarrett: ‘Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax’ a Scheme to Clear Hillary, Undo Election

Fox News Channel legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, author of The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump, described the “Trump-Russia collusion” as “an effort to undo the election.”

He offered his remarks during a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Breitbart News Senior Editors-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Jarrett said, “There was scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. Top officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice were threatened by Trump; this guy is going to come in there and drain the swamp, and that threatened their jobs and their positions. There is nothing that will motivate people more than power forfeited, so people like James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andy McCabe, people at the Department of Justice decided that they were going to clear Hillary Clinton of the many crimes she surely committed. To do that, they had to twist the facts and contort the law.”

Jarrett continued: “On the very day that Comey stood in front of television cameras, July 5th, 2016, clearing [Hillary Clinton] of the obvious crimes she had committed, his FBI was secretly meeting for the first time in London with the author of the phony anti-Trump dossier, an ex-MI6 British agent, and armed with that fabricated document — it’s laughable on its face — they decided this is the pretext that they can exploit to frame Donald Trump for crimes he didn’t commit, and indeed, crimes that don’t even exist.

Jarrett concluded, “They were trying to damage his candidacy and prevent him from being elected, and when he defied that and was elected, they doubled down in an effort to undo the election and destroy his presidency, and it’s still going on, right now.”



  1. The great deceivers are running scared . The lies are being exposed

  2. It's as clever a lie as "my dog ate my homework". They hoped it would work, and for several months, it did.
    What a farce!


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