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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Gowdy: No Evidence President Trump Committed Any Crime

Rep. Trey Gowdy told FNC's Bret Baier on FOX News Sunday that while there are documents he has not seen, he knows that if there were any evidence that President Trump committed any crime with regard to Russia "Adam Schiff would have leaked it."

Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said this week that President Trump is compromised by the Russians, offering possible recordings of his meeting with Putin as evidence. Later on Sunday morning, Schiff suggested Trump's businesses were Russian money laundering operations.

"I have not seen one scintilla of evidence that this president colluded, conspired, collaborated, with Russia. "

Full interview here


  1. Gowdy: No Evidence President Trump Committed Any Crime

    And how much money has been wasted since Trump said the same months ago.

  2. These crap-slinging whackadoodles just won't stop wasting our, the taxpayers, money!

  3. Have you noticed a pattern? George W gets elected:

    The Dums claim invalid because of hanging chads (Chads on ballots are hanging due to multiple ballots being stuffed into the same butterfly voting card)

    911 happens and lets investigate Bush (only in office 8 months)

    Hillary, who is the worst candidate in the history of this country looses, and lets blame Trump for "Colluding" with Russians.

    Dumbocrats are nothing but liars cheats and thieves that want to control you and take your money.

  4. Shut mueller down. Lets start seeing the obama hillary crimes being exposed and front page news.LOCK EM UP

  5. Not the first we've heard this remark. ENOUGH already!


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