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Monday, July 16, 2018

Former CIA Officer: Clinton "Involved In Biggest Treason In History"

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says what Hillary Clinton did with her charity and Uranium One while she was Secretary of State was a crime for the history books.

Shipp explains, “Hillary Clinton used this to launder money in foreign banks so it wasn’t subject to U.S. laws, congressional subpoenas or FOIA demands for the evidence. This was done to launder this money globally into the Clinton Foundation so the U.S. government could not examine it at all.”

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was the head of the FBI while the Uranium One deal was being done by Clinton and the Russians. One fifth of U.S. uranium production was bought by the Russians in a deal Clinton pushed and approved. The Clinton Foundation received more than $140 million from some of the same Russian players who were involved with Uranium One. Why didn’t Mueller stop the deal? Shipp says,

“Mueller is either a complete moron, which he is not, or he overlooked the biggest counterterrorism cases in U.S. history. It involved Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One and, of course, the destruction of all the emails and evidence and her secret server, and on and on and on it goes, and he (Mueller) ignored it all.”



  1. SMH - all this Russian "collusion" angst - and not a peep from them about this! What Paki spy network?

  2. But some people would dismiss this in favor of dissing Trump for a royal protocol mistake.

  3. Omg, after today’s fiasco with Trump and Putin you should be ashamed of trying to place blame on a Grandmother that is off living her life! Incredible! Look at those four other fingers that are pointing back at ya!

    1. The grandma pressing a Russian RE SET BUTYON who her ? The real TRAITOR.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 16, 2018 at 4:34 PM

    Well, Mueller probably knew if he decided to investigate and prosecute Clintons he maybe subject to a "deadly accident" like many others before ( Vince Foster suicide?). So what did Mueller do? He ignored it and got paid, win-win for both crooked parties of Slimey Democ-rats. Fire this Crook and Arrest Hildabeast and it will instantly Make America Great Again!

  5. A grandmother off living her life?? Maybe you meant a sociopath who just won't go away. It's easy for some to confuse the two.

  6. Two Sets of Laws.

    Keep buying guns and ammo.

  7. 4:32 NONE of this would be even news if it weren't for the drummed up story of Russian collusion by a corrupt Clinton influenced DNC.
    What is it now, a year - and all they could do is press charges against some Russian operatives who will never see the inside of a courthouse. That way, the liberal narrative stays open because no one, except our corrupt FBI and justice department, can corroborate it.
    They have thrown everything against him and NOTHING has stuck.

  8. grandmother living her life she hasnt got out of politics yet tell her she has something on Hillery and maybe she will have herself knocked off

  9. 4:32, Ha, ha! You are unhinged! Trump is a grandfather, so what is your point? He also never had a murder suspiciously tied to him, but Hildog is a grandmother, so we should let it go. She also sold 1/5 of our uranium reserves to Russia, but we should let it go. She deleted 30,000+ emails and had hand held phones and laptops drilled to keep from revealing emails. We should let that go? Those emails directly show that she had pay for play for foreign governments, but we need to just drop it? She makes Benedict Arnold look like a patsy, and she almost bought the presidency, but we need to let it go. Her husband is a rapist and she knowingly defended a pedophile, but we should just ignore it? What a moronic, insignificant, delusional, and lacking in a basic conception of factual external stimulus you suffer from. Wake up, dumbass!

  10. DemocRATS the REAL Traitors of America .....they love pro Islam pro open boarders pro commies and WHO ARE THE COMMUNITS ?

  11. 434
    Mueller works for the same bosses as Billary


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