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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Five Clues Don Jr.’s Trump Tower Meeting Was Set Up as Dem Dirty Trick

Amid renewed news media attention focusing on the infamous brief meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 between individuals tied to Russia, Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials, it is instructive to review the largely unreported details surrounding the get-together that point to the increasing likelihood of the confab being set up as a dirty trick against Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Below, in no particular order, are five key details drawn from Breitbart News investigative reporting that raise immediate questions about the possibility of anti-Trump shady business at play in arranging the infamous meeting.

1 – Rob Goldstone, the English publicist and music manager, admitted that when he wrote Donald Trump Jr. to set up the meeting with a Russian attorney at Trump Tower he used deliberately hyperbolic language to ensure that the meeting took place.


  1. Where are the other 4 "clues?"

  2. I’d maybe have a small amount of respect for the crooked Trump family if just once, they took responsibility for something...anything, instead of trying to blame another party or previous administration.
    Just proves yet again that money buys neither intelligence nor class.

    1. You voted for Hillary Clinton and now it's time to be quiet snowflake


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