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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Fitton Calls FBI’s FISA Application a ‘Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone’

Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials were pushing a “self-licking ice-cream cone” when they applied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court for approval to spy on a former campaign aide to President Donald Trump, according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“Self-licking ice cream cone. FISA docs cite Clinton-DNC Dossier, leak of Dossier to media, and leak of Dossier info through Dem Senator Harry Reid. Corrupt dishonesty to get court approval to spy on @RealDonaldTrump team,” Fitton tweeted Sunday concerning the 421 pages of FISA application-related documents DOJ made public late Saturday.

The phrase a “self-licking ice cream cone” refers to “a self-perpetuating system that has no purpose other than to sustain itself. The phrase appeared to have been first used in 1992, in On Self-Licking Ice Cream Cones, a paper by Pete Worden about NASA’s bureaucracy,” according to Wikipedia.

Fitton told LifeZette Sunday that the excessive redactions by DOJ throughout the 421 pages should be sufficient reason “for President Trump to just declassify all of it and get it all out in the public.” Trump as president has the final decision on whether to make public any classified federal document.

Judicial Watch has filed dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, including one in February that resulted in Saturday’s document release.



  1. Let see it!! since obama the lying deceiver Promised the most transparent admin ever and never delivered


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