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Friday, July 06, 2018


Part of plan includes breaking California apart to add more Dem senators

Far-left academics and activists are suggesting the “endangered state of American liberal democracy” under President Trump will require the Democratic Party to defy political norms and pursue “emergency steps” to create a permanent progressive majority.

“Democrats should plan to treat political norms, when and if they’re in charge of a unified government, the way Trump and the Republicans do,”declared Rob Goodman, a political theorist at McGill University, writing for Politico. “They should be readying a program of systematic norm-breaking for partisan advantage—but only if they are willing and able to follow it through to its conclusion.”

Specifically, Goodman cities a new book by political scientist David Faris,It’s Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics, as a blueprint for the type of “systematic norm-breaking” he is advocating for.



  1. Dims have been fighting dirty since the 60s its just they are used to someone (President Trump) fighting back! TRUMP 2020

  2. The more they turn to radical communism the smaller the party gets.


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