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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fail: 9 Times Globalists Claimed Mass Immigration Is Necessary to Increase GDP

For decades, the big business lobby, ideologically globalist politicians, and economists have claimed that the only route to increasing the United States’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is through increasing legal immigration levels.

On Friday, thanks to President Trump’s “America First” economy, GDP soared to 4.1 percent for the second quarter of 2018, outpacing the first quarter, in which GDP was 2.2 percent.

While Trump was on the campaign trail throughout 2015 and 2016, he repeatedly said his economic nationalist agenda would bring the U.S. GDP to at least three percent.



  1. Dave T: Not true, it's the only way liberals can gain votes. Which is why they are suddenly all in favor of opening every border and allowing every immigrant. Liberals are desperate for votes because the truth is that their socialist dream is failing under its own weight. The only way to adopt socialism is to lie and manipulate people into believing that socialism works. But anyone who spends time in reality can tell you, socialism doesn't work. History also tells the same story. If socialism was such a great thing, then why aren't more countries adopting it? And why is it failing so miserably by the ones that have adopted it? The whole socialism concept is centered around liberals gaining control.

  2. Globalist are luciferians dont beieve a word they say. They lie steal cheat and deceive. They do not care about you or us, but only for their selfiness and their false god. Islam, satans religion is their tool to remove all of Gods people and those who Bend a knee for Jesus

  3. The purpose of mass immigration is the destruction of culture and society. From the ashes will rise a Phoenix. Order out of chaos. To Be 1 Ask 1


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