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Saturday, July 21, 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Mueller Gives Tony Podesta Immunity To Testify Against Paul Manafort


  1. Why is Trump allowing this ? This was the Clinton HACK fire his ass

  2. It's unbelievable what the Clintons get away with. Deouty Attorney General is approving this. President Trump needs to end this. Hire a ag that is not corrupt.

  3. Does this surprise anyone. Now tell me this investigation is not a witch hunt. Podesta is a liberal socialist Democrat. Podesta is a Clinton operative. This is selective prosecution. When Mueller charged Manafort Podesta brothers closed up their business deals because it became known they were doing the same thing Manafort done during the same time frame. They would have to charge the Clintons along with Podesta and his brother if he did not give them immunity. Mueller would have to be charged with illegal investigation and show his bias along with the FBI.

  4. Mueller is a stooge of the UN. Cannot be and never must be trusted (NWO LUCIFERIANS GLOBLIST= DEEP STATE). We have your back mr president.

  5. Mueller will never give up. Mueller and the Clintons have manipulated it so Lanny Davis is now the lawyer for Cohen. He is a die hard Clinton socialist. No wonder this tape was released.


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