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Monday, July 30, 2018

Eric Holder says 'Yeah, I'm interested!' in being president: Report

Eric Holder knows what he wants. Whether he'll go after it is still under speculation.

In a meeting with Cincinnati Democrats last night, the former U.S. attorney general confirmed he wants to be president, according to a CNN report: "Am I interested it?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm interested!"

In his response to the first question of the meeting, the Obama administration also reiterated pursuing a 2020 run was something he won't decide until next year after discussing with his family, the report states.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 30, 2018 at 6:11 PM

    Oh Yeah? Well, Im very much interested to seeing Eric Holder in orange prison suit and hancuffs, along with his criminal buddies, Hilda Clinton & Barry Ovama. That would be Awesome!

  2. Yeh no way this useful idiot will become president. He really belongs in prison..HE IS A lying seditious deceiving TRAITOR..

  3. He's got almost as much baggage as Hilliary!

  4. These folks had better keep their day job, writing comedy.

  5. Sure , we need another muslim for president.

  6. The Democrats need a cleaner before Trump exposes them more

  7. He was fired by obama for " fast and furious " cluster.

  8. Trump will tear him apart.

  9. It will ALSO be a way for Dems to play the Race card and have whites against blacks ....but that's what Soros wants.

  10. Soros can't by youth. Bet he is not on The Affordable Health Care though.


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