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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Ellison Won’t Rule Out Democrats Impeaching Supreme Court Justices

Democrat National Committee Deputy chair Keith Ellison told attendees at a Supreme Court Community Forum in Minneapolis Monday that Democrats could theoretically impeach Supreme Court justices if the party regains a majority following the 2018 midterm elections.



  1. Here he is, folks, Nancy Pelosi's successor, Maxine Waters' partner in crime.

  2. They had better remember if they do regain the majority, it won't last forever.

  3. Bring it on bro if you want a civil war.

  4. The commies are everywhere.

    joe mccarthy in the 50s warned us and was 110% correct.

    Here are the parallels of the neo-Nazi democrat party and their spiritual cousins, the Third Reich;

    1) Both supported rampant socialism

    2) Both supported disarming the population. Thus far, only the Third Reich succeeded.

    3) Both supported book burning.

    4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech

    5) Both demonized their political opponents and incited mob violence.

    6) Both conducted a murderous holocaust of innocents. The holocaust of the Jews pales in comparison to the over 60 million babies the democrats have slaughtered.

    A hundred years from now and long after the Nuremberg style trials and execution of democrat politicians, when someone makes a vicious slur they will refer to another as a democrat rather than a Nazi.

  5. Dave T: I find it to be quite interesting and not a coincidence that liberals only identify with resistance and activism as being signs of patriotism, as opposed doing normal things like showing respect for the flag and constitution. Looks like the curtains are pulled back and the real face of the liberal, progressive, socialist left has emerged. I hope they are ready to experience what real "resistance" means, because they are in for a very rude awakening if they believe "free" Americans are doing to tolerate their ridiculous ideology and concepts of over regulation.

  6. Dave T: I survived 8 long miserable years under the worst president I have ever witnessed or studied -- Barrack "Obozo" Obama. And I just want to add, that obstructionism is not patriotism. Get that through your thick liberal skulls you morons!

  7. Impeach them for what?

  8. Go ahead.

    There are MILLIONS of hard working Americans sick to their stomachs as they watch these strange and deviant losers push this crap around like they discovered the cure for cancer.
    And, we are well-armed.
    Bring it.

    You will be sorry you did and we'll be sorry if you don't.
    Keep cheering.


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