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Thursday, July 26, 2018

DMV worker slept for three hours every day over four years

A DMV employee slept at her desk for at least three hours a day over the course of four years right in front of her bosses - but hasn't been sacked.

The woman, who is employed as a data entry worker in California, had to be woken up between three and four times each day by her supervisor but was never disciplined, a report by the State Auditor found.

She finished less than half of the tasks assigned to her each day leaving others to pick up the slack, while colleagues said what work she did complete was riddled with errors.



  1. Looky here

    She is black

    OBAMA allowed this to happen

    Something that's going to take a Century to undo

  2. What's she got on her supervisor?

  3. This happens at Salisbury MVA on the daily. And now that they've moved DNR boat registration over there, it's gotten ridiculous as well. So uneducated and unprofessional.

  4. I also worked 25 years for the government, and many of us slept, went shopping, visited friends, went to our kids school stuff, all on the public's dime. This is considered normal, and a fringe benefit of the job. Now I am retired and have a good pension, free taxpayer paid medical, and am living life happy. Fair, probably not, however, I had reduced wages from the same job if done in a private company, so...

  5. @ July 27, 2018 at 5:23 AM, She has nothing. It's because she is black and thinks she can do whatever she wants. All the other employees should start falling asleep and see how long they put up with that. Or write letters to the Governor and see if they do anything about it.


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