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Monday, July 30, 2018

DCCC to Pay Interns in Some Form Moving Forward

The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee will reportedly start paying its interns after 13 of them working at the organization wrote a letter requesting pay and suggesting that unpaid internships only allow people from well-off backgrounds to have these opportunities, HuffPost reports.

Lydia Murray, who is Chinese-American, wrote the letter and 12 other interns signed it.

“Most of our fellow interns, while undoubtedly bright, are white and wealthy and have no real understanding of the perspectives of everyday working Americans, nor do we have fellow interns with diverse backgrounds to discuss issues, ideas, or experiences with,” the letter said.

“It is impossible for us to champion the working class when at the most basic levels, those who work in the party do not represent them on a socioeconomic or racial basis.”


1 comment:

  1. "Moving forward"? What does that mean? Is that some liberal snowflake way of saying "from now on"? Why don't people just day what they mean? But no, the liberals, especially the media, want to use terms like "gravitas" and "at the end of the day" because it makes them seem so much smarter than us peons.


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