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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Comey Meddles In 2018 Election

Former FBI Director James Comey said that “all who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats” and that Republicans have been “incapable” in a Tuesday tweet.

“This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that ‘Ambition must … counteract ambition.’ All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us,” Comey tweeted on Tuesday.

This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that “Ambition must … counteract ambition.” All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us.
— James Comey (@Comey) July 18, 2018

Comey, who was previously a registered Republican, has blasted President Donald Trump’s handling of the Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, stating that Trump “stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country” in a Monday tweet.



  1. Comey is as corrupt as the liberal lying Democrats. Why would we want to listen to him or continue to vote for representatives in a corrupt party?

  2. Trump is not stupid. He just does not express himself well. There is more to the Helsinki summit than they will reveal. It has been revealed that Democrats represent the party of deceit and lies. Putin knew that. So some Russians revealed their corruption to the world and now the Dems are madder than hornets and trying to distract while they reorganize behind the scenes. Comey has more to hide and wants the investigations to end with the reelection of Dems to continue covering up corruption.

  3. All this coming from a man that lied to his country, and lied to Congress, and broke the rules of the government department that he led. He disgusts most Americans. But the dems that hate America and what it stands for (think constitution), will actually listen to him. Comey only believes in laws and regulations for the people, but not for government. That's as anti-constitution as it gets.


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