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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh: Apocalypse Now

To hear some tell it, America faces an event so cataclysmic, so apocalyptic, that everything we know and cherish could fall into the Great Abyss, never to be seen again.

What could “threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come” (former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe), “pave the path to tyranny” (Oregon senator Jeff Merkley), be our “worst nightmare” (Connecticut senator Richard Blumenthal), portend the “destruction of the Constitution,” (California senator Kamala Harris), and literally determine the “future of America” (Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren)?

No, it’s not the last titanic battle between Godzilla and Megalodon, or an imminent epidemic of Bubonic Plague. These warnings, and more besides, are about the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Really, I’m not kidding. That’s really what they are saying all this stuff about.

Who is this crazed judicial lunatic, this ne’er-do-well, this Brett Kavanaugh, who might wreak such destruction and mayhem across the land?



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