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Saturday, July 07, 2018

Breaking News: North Korea accused the U.S. of a "gangster-like demand for denuclearization," even as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called talks productive

North Korea accused the Trump administration on Saturday of pushing a “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization” and called it “deeply regrettable,” hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said his two days of talks in the North Korean capital were “productive.”

Despite North Korea’s criticism, its Foreign Ministry said leader Kim Jong-un still wanted to build on the “friendly relationship and trust” forged with President Trump during their summit meeting in Singapore on June 12. The ministry also said Mr. Kim had written a personal letter to Mr. Trump, which was handed to Mr. Pompeo to deliver.


  1. The US is run by international banking cartel who are in face, mafia-like.

  2. consider the source...

  3. Now the foreign minster that spoke with Pompeo with be executed with an anti-aircraft gun.

  4. This is NO JOKE people....we will be at war with them before you know it we will be at war with them.


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