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Monday, July 16, 2018

Breaking News: The Justice Department announced espionage charges against a Russian woman who tried to broker Trump-Putin meetings during the 2016 campaign

The Justice Department said in court documents that the woman worked to establish “back channel” lines of communication with American politicians.


  1. How about that TIMING ? How long were the DEMOCRAT FBI holding on to that one ? Just in time to bash Trump.

    1. Yep that Dan Coats is just a Dem plant. You guys have lost all grasp of reality.

    2. I remember Hillary pushing a Re Set Russian BUTTON do you ?

    3. If you don't think that this Russian chick living in America and under investigationn by the Obama swamp FBI wasn't coincidental your a real clueless FN Snowflake.

  2. Talk about trying to paint a picture lol. Never stops! Russians are coming lol.


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