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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Big Pharma & The Rise Of Gangster Capitalism

$8 per vial in competing developed-world nations and $38,892 in the U.S. That says it all.

Thanks to decades of gangster films, we all know how gangster capitalism works: the cost of "protection" goes up whenever the gangster wants to increase revenues, any competition is snuffed out, and "customer demand" is jacked up by any means available-- addiction, for example.

This perfectly describes the pharmaceutical industry and every other cartel in America. You might have read about the price increase in Acthar gel, a medication to treat Infantile Spasms. (via J.F., M.D., who alerted me to the repricing of this medication from $40 in 2001 to the current price of $38,892.)

The compound first received approval in 1950, and various branded versions have been approved in recent years. Let's be clear: this medication did not require billions of dollars in research and development, or decades of testing to obtain FDA approval; it's been approved for use for the past 68 years.

Yes, you read that correctly: a medication that's been in use for 68 years went from $40 a dose in 2001 to $38,892 today. Don't you love the pricing? Not a round 38 grand, but $38,892. You gotta love these gangsters!



  1. Capitalism (greed) at its worst.


  2. Big pharma/ FDA are part of the deep state. The FDA poison us by allowing food additives and then addict us but cure nothing..what a racket poisioning us on both fronts feeding and drugging us for more profits

  3. Eight years isn't going to be long enough to root out the culprits and change the thinking in the Swamp.


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