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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Attorney General Frosh Issues Advisory Affirming Public Sector Workers’ Rights

Attorney General Frosh Issues Advisory Affirming Public Sector Workers’ Rights in the Wake of U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Janus v. AFSCME

Maryland Attorney General today issued an advisory reaffirming public employee rights and employer obligations under state law in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31. In the 5 to 4 ruling, the Court overturned decades of law and practice relating to the right of a union to require the payment of fair-share agency fees from public-sector unions that serve teachers, police, firefighters, and other public employees.

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/072318a.pdf


  1. You all need to get rid of this idiot. How much taxpayer-funded time and resources is he wasting with all this posturing and frivolous lawsuits? What purpose does it serve?

    It is colossal arrogance, and it goes directly against the will of the people and subverts the legal processes that our country has in place to maintain order.

    This is nothing more than very elaborate tantrums. At YOUR expense.

    Remove him from office.

  2. Was happy to see that public employees were freed by the Janus decision. When unions came on strong to state employees, they were sent information by mail about union membership. They were asked to vote, but failing to return your ballot was counted as a yes vote. Many people did not get the mailing because of out of date addresses and were denied replacement ballots. So by dropping what looked like junk mail in the trash, because they had not read the fine print explaining no ballot returned =a yes vote, many employees were for edto joi tha union or pay service fees that were a dollar less than the union fees. Fees went up every year as did dues with no way out except to quit your job. No one should be forced to join a union if they dont want to be a member.


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