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Monday, July 30, 2018

Anti-Kavanaugh Campaign Makes Extensive Use of ‘Dark Money’ Donations

So-called "dark money" groups on the political left are planning how to spend millions to try to stop the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

In an article headlined, "Liberal activists embrace ‘dark money' in Supreme Court fight," the Washington Post reported Friday how liberal groups are making use of unidentified donors to put out a slew of anti-Kavanaugh messages to persuade senators to vote against the federal judge's confirmation. Demand Justice is one such group, classified as a "social welfare" organizations by the IRS but able to keep its donors anonymous since it is housed inside another nonprofit.

Demand Justice executive director Brian Fallon, a former aide to Hillary Clinton, complained that pro-Kavanaugh groups will still outspend them. He said, however, that they are keeping up better in the fight against Kavanaugh, who President Donald Trump nominated to the Supreme Court earlier this month, than they did in their fight against now-Justice Neil Gorsuch last year.

More here

[Related: It turns out Democrats love ‘dark money’ ;


  1. The same thing is happening in Wicomico County. Check out Heath's $$ and where it comes from.

  2. Wouldn't it be great if this money were spent on something that helped people instead?


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