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Friday, July 27, 2018

Al-Qaeda Group Funded by Obama Admin Supported Bin Laden, Hamas, Afghan Terrorists

The bombshell revelation on Wednesday that the Obama administration funded an al-Qaeda group in Sudan ten years after it was designated a foreign terrorist organization merely scratched the surface of what the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) stands accused of.

For a full account of the group that received $325,000 in U.S. taxpayer money in 2014 and 2015, we must turn to the U.S. Treasury Department documents Team Obama apparently did not bother to read.

The ISRA was designated a financial supporter of terrorism by the Treasury Department in October 2004, under the authority of an executive order issued by President George W. Bush shortly after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

President Bush declared a national emergency to deal with the “unusual and extraordinary threat” of terrorism, with special attention paid to the networks that funneled money to operations such as Osama bin Laden’s murderous al-Qaeda crew. Attacking terrorist financial networks was a key element of U.S. strategy after the atrocity of September 11.

The ISRA was part of bin Laden’s financial network, as the Treasury Department made clear ten years before the Obama administration decided to provide the group with U.S. taxpayer money:

More here


  1. Obama is an enemy of the people and he's still at large.

  2. You all have Obama Derangement Syndrome. You control both houses of Congress, your man is in the Oval Office, you will own the Supreme Court soon, the Democrats are floundering, so give it a rest already! Enjoy the moment, live in the now!!

    1. Yeah but the SOROS funded CNN is brainwashing college punks.

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 27, 2018 at 6:02 PM

      1:30 Whats that got to do with anything? Are you suggesting we let the Criminal Con-Artist-in-Chief off the hook? Why? Almighty Barack committed numerous liess and deceptions and was involved in several criminal enterprises along with his buddy Eric Holderr. Only once he told the truth when he said the Change was coming, he just didnt say it was for worse. And Bankrupt America? Yes, We Can, because Barack said so. Well, since you love this guy so much, you should subscribe to Netflix, I heard Barry and his Tranny wife Moochelle will have show you dont wanna miss. SMH & LMAO!

    3. 1:30 here, Soros pays me $1000 per day to lull SBYNEWS readers into a false sense of security. Get a life!

  3. 1:30 it sounds like you are suggesting we let up the pressure on those people that want to see us all dead. You are either a traitor or a totally stupid RINO. Probably both.

  4. Come on folks.
    Barry worked for intelligence.
    He was a puppet.

    Ditto for Mr Trump.

    Al CIA Duh is a creation of intelligence to justify endless war profiteering.

    You are smarter than this.
    Wake up for God's sake!

  5. And this country and it's soft-hearted RINO's won't do anything about it.


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