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Thursday, July 19, 2018

After Janus Ruling, States Rush to Make It Harder to Leave Unions

Even before the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to public unions in June, some states were making moves to soften that potential blow.

In May, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill that limits the amount of time government employees can withdraw from their union. They now have just 10 days a year -- the ones immediately following their work anniversary -- to make that decision.

The ruling in the case, called Janus v. AFSCME, makes it illegal to require public workers who choose not to join the union to pay so-called agency fees to the unions that represent them in collective bargaining negotiations. It immediately impacts 21 states where the practice was still happening and is expected to cause unions to lose members -- and money -- because there is less incentive to belong to a union if they can get the same benefits without paying a nickel.



  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. Jersey cannot add to / alter the Supreme Court decision by adding time frames. The Supreme Court decisions had no time limits.

  3. Unions leaders are part deep state. They have outlived their usefulness. Cause allot of price increases. Support marxist ideals

  4. Unions are organized crime

  5. Unions are un-American. Taxpayers pay government employees salaries so they should not be unionized in the first place.


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